As the umbrella which protects your home from rain, sleet and snow, repairing or replacing a faulty one is a major priority. But what happens if you can’t afford such an expensive job? In this post, we’ll discuss the best steps to take when roof repairs or replacements are unaffordable.
Nipping the issue in the bud
If your roof springs a leak but you’re short on cash, it’s tempting to put off repairs until a later date when your finances are looking healthier. However, doing so is invariably a recipe for disaster, since what started out as a minor niggle can soon turn into a major issue. If left to its own devices, a leaky roof can cause far more expensive problems further down the line, with water damage and electrical accidents chief among the potential pitfalls on the horizon.
With that in mind, it’s important to nip the issue in the bud and address a leaking roof sooner rather than later. The first step in doing so is understanding the size of the problem facing you. Whether it’s damage to the slates or tiles, buckling beams, algal growth or a dilapidated chimney stack, the costs involved might vary significantly based upon the exact nature of the leakage. Contacting a new roofing specialist to obtain a quote will give you a good idea of how much money you need to raise and stand you in good stead when it comes to sourcing the necessary funds.
Nowhere to turn?
Regardless of the property size, location or exact issues, a roof replacement is likely to cost a pretty penny. If you have a mortgage to contend with (and umpteen other expenses on top of that), you may well find yourself in the sticky situation of not being able to afford the repairs. Things get even worse if your insurance doesn’t cover the costs, you aren’t able to ask friends or family to loan you the funds and your credit rating isn’t good enough to secure a loan from a bank or building society.
What should you do in that scenario? Your first port of call should be to exhaust all avenues. That means investigating lines of credit from all official sources, looking into the possibility of government support and contacting personal acquaintances to see if they can lend a helping hand.
You should also go through your lease and your insurance agreements with a fine-tooth comb to see if anyone else is liable for some or all of the costs. If none of those possibilities bears any fruit, don’t despair, since DPR Roofing are here to help.
Fast and affordable roof financing
If you can’t (or don’t want to) access financial help from the means mentioned above, there is a solution at hand. DPR Roofing in Wakefield are now able to offer our customers fast and affordable financing plans to ensure that your roof is fixed in a timely and professional manner. We consider all circumstances on a case-by-case basis and deliver a decision within 24 hours of your application, while our 24/7 call-out team can conduct emergency repairs where necessary.
With funding of up to £10,000 available, we can help you afford the roof you need at the time you need it. Avoid the inconvenience of a single lump-sum payment with our monthly repayment scheme, while the low deposits we accept means that you can get the ball rolling on your roof replacement without having to wait.